Opening of Roccamare
When does the 2021 season in Roccamare start? The villas and apartments of the Roccamare Resort, embedded in the historic pine forest, will open from May 28 together with the Casa di Ponente, the closest hotel to the sea; the Casa di Levante is expected to open in mid-June. We would like to inform our guests that the Alaterno, Vincibosco and Artemisia restaurants will be open from June.
For guests staying in the villas and apartments as well as at Casa di Ponente, beach service is guaranteed with one beach umbrella and two sunbeds for each accommodation unit booked. The beach service is not provided for guests of Casa di Levante, but they have available the swimming pool with beach umbrellas and sunbeds in the park shaded by the centuries old pine trees.
To book you can call +39 0564 941124, write to or click the button below.